My Business Benefits
Competitive Rates:
Fernwood Capital’s rates are highly competitive. Check out our , and see how we can offer you the benefits and ease of financing - as well as affordability.
Improves Cash Flow:
When you finance your equipment with Fernwood Capital, your cash isn't tied up in the equipment. Instead, it's available for other investments that will grow your business, produce income, and ensure the equipment you acquire earns profits.
Preserve Lines of Credit:
Financing with Fernwood, enables you to preserve your established bank lines and conserve cash reserves. Financing through Fernwood will enhance your borrowing capability and may also improve your balance sheet by reducing your long-term debt. Also you do not have to worry about the large upfront cash outlay.
Hedges Against Inflation:
Your monthly payment remains the same over the term of the financing. Dollars paid later in the term usually have less purchasing power than those paid at the beginning of the you pay for today's equipment needs with tomorrow's lower-value dollars.
100% Total Financing:
In addition to the equipment cost, training fees, shipping charges, installation costs, and maintenance agreements can usually be included.
Eliminates Hidden Charges:
With Fernwood, you have no compensating balances, no closing costs, and no blanket liens or other restrictive covenants that banks use to increase customers' cost.
Offers many payment programs: Fernwood Capital works for you. We have several financing programs to choose from to best fit your cash flow needs.